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For Shluchim

A letter from Dr. Amiel Levin, founder


Welcome, esteemed rabbis and community leaders, to the Rofeh Yedid initiative. The Rebbe greatly encouraged physicians to all Jewish doctors to come together, to unite in the pursuit of knowledge and the study of Torah, fostering a stronger connection to our heritage while deepening their professional expertise. In following that directive of the Rebbe, Rofeh Yedid was established.


Our mission is simple yet profound: to connect Jewish Medical Professionals* in your community with a unique educational opportunity that bridges the worlds of medicine and Torah and Chasidus study. In doing so, we aim to encourage doctors to embrace both aspects of their lives and bring that enriching fusion into their medical practice. 



Current programs:

  • Weekly classes:   A group of dedicated medical professionals to come together online every Thursday 9:00-9:30 PM  eastern to learn the profound connection between Chassidus and the field of medicine. Our classes delve into the rich teachings of Chassidus, offering a perspective that directly pertains to the challenges and experiences faced in the medical profession.  At this point, this program is for men only. A women’s group is coming soon.

  • Study Partners (Chavrusa): We pair medical professionals with study partners to learn Torah or Chassidus, all while viewing these profound teachings through a unique medical lens. This personalized approach can be highly effective in instilling a deeper understanding and commitment to the study of Jewish teachings. 

  • Referral and Mentoring for Medical Students/Residents: We serve as a referral center for medical students and residents who come into contact with Chabad Houses. This offers newcomers the chance to receive mentorship, guidance, and invaluable advice tailored to incoming doctors, paving the way for both their professional and spiritual growth within the community.





The Benefits of Rofeh Yedid for Jewish Medical Professionals


  • Holistic Enrichment: Rofeh Yedid is a platform where medical professionals can integrate their medical expertise with their faith, fostering a deeper connection to Judaism.

  • Real-Life Medical Examples: Our classes are designed by doctors for the medical community, incorporating real-life examples from medical practices, making the study of Torah and Chasidus relatable and applicable to daily work.

  • Intellectual Pursuits: Rofeh Yedid encourages medical professionals to engage in intellectual pursuits that combine their medical expertise with religious study. This fosters personal and professional growth by broadening their horizons and deepening their understanding of both fields.

  • Community Building: Rofeh Yedid helps build a sense of community among Jewish medical professionals. It provides a platform for networking, collaboration, and mutual support within the medical profession and the community at large.

  • Deeper Learning and Connection to Judaism: Jewish medical professionals can explore and deepen their connection to Judaism while positively influencing their professional interactions and decisions.


Rofeh Yedid is dedicated to providing an enriching and supportive environment for Jewish medical professionals, impacting their lives both personally and professionally.


We kindly ask for your support in spreading the word about Rofeh Yedid in your community. Encourage the medical professionals in your community to explore this unique blend of medical and religious education. This program is about fostering a sense of community, personal growth, and a deeper connection to Judaism among your community's medical professionals.


To learn more about Rofeh Yedid or to connect with us, please contact me. 

Thank you for your support and consideration in furthering this meaningful endeavor.


Dr. Amiel Levin


Rofeh Yedid is not about collecting money; it's about fostering learning, support, and spiritual growth.

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“The more Bitul the doctor is, the more successful his medical treatment”
               - The Rebbe

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